From my school life, I have been trying to start a blog of my own. Every time I plan to start, my interest fades away. I either start a blog and then forget about it, or I lose motivation. School was completed almost 9-10 years ago, and I left college more than 5 years ago.

I failed to build HackerLand, failed to establish Theorex Research Labs, and faced challenges in jobs. Then, somehow, I survived and moved into the corporate world, where I learned a lot and failed even more. I built some awesome things along the way.

I transitioned from an introverted student who always wanted to become a mathematician to an entrepreneur who struggled to build a basic product. I then became a developer and eventually moved into DevOps.

Throughout all these years, I tried a lot but achieved little. But now, I am taking it step by step, finally achieving little by little.

Today, I am here to document all my thoughts. From today onward, I will write something every day.

Raja Sardar
Let’s go from 1 to N.