L1: Big Picture Planning of Likhoo

Likhoo Build a big picture plan for what we will build in points Find a domain name suitable for the project. List out features. Draw a design for the expected UI. Convert the design into static pages. Setup Database. Convert the static pages into the final product. Publish and start promoting. Start working on converting it for other languages. Let’s Now Break Down Each Step:: 1. Find a Domain Name Suitable for the Project: As we are building a platform for writers, the domain name should be related to that concept....

August 22, 2024

L0: Let's Start a Startup from Ground Zero

At least once in our lives, all of us have thought about writing something in the format of a daily diary or a poem or a short story. For older generations, it was obviously a diary where we used to dump everything. However, when we want to share our thoughts with others, there is often a problem. For the new generation, everything is digital, we either write on Facebook or any blog platform....

August 20, 2024

Why and How I Started HackerLand ?

During a long weekend at home, I felt that I was missing something very important in my life: a productive environment and a community that I had in college. Many others likely felt the same, all trying to stay innovative and productive in an environment that lacked those elements. From this simple idea, we started HackerLand with the motto of creating a community for designers, innovators, and programmers all in one place....

August 7, 2024

My First Business Plan Was Rejected by IIT Kharagpur

Today is a historic day for Bangladesh as they have toppled the current government through a successful army coup that began as a student protest. For some, this marks another independence, while for others, it presents another opportunity to loot and oppress minorities. Now, lets back to my story. I have always dreamed of building something of my own and making an impact on society from the very beginning of my life....

August 7, 2024

We Built Our Own 3D Printed Drone

After an awesome first year, we moved to a new hostel located inside the college campus. The first few days were filled with the fear of ragging from our beloved seniors. We had a very negative view of ragging, but eventually, we began to understand that those seniors were becoming our guardians and friends. What we believed to be ragging was actually what we needed in real life: the ability to communicate, step out of our comfort zones, and develop other essential skills....

August 2, 2024